Friday, July 17, 2009

Del Prado: Cavalry of the Napoleonic War has just added Del Prado military miniatures to our collection. Del Prado has partnered up with Osprey Publishing to produce military miniatures with a small booklet included with each figure that includes historical information about the figure and battles that the miniature is associated with. As many of you probably already know, most of Del Prado's toy soldiers were designed by King & Country. Each cavalry figure retails for $19.99 USD. has started off the collections they offer from Del Prado with the Cavalry of the Napoleonic War military miniature collection. This collection include 100 different Napoleonic cavalry figures.
Del Prado: Trooper, Napoleon's Imperial Guard Chasseurs, 1809 - NC03

Del Prado's figures match King & Country figures very well in size and style. They make great pieces for your King & Country Napoleonic dioramas are a very reasonable price. All Del Prado pieces are eligbible for our store wide discounts and free shipping. The first pieces from the Del Prado Cavalry of the Napoleonic War will be put on this week. The piece pictured to the right is Del Prado: Trooper, Napoleon's Imperial Guard Chasseurs, 1809 - NC03 which retails at 19.99. Try Del Prado out today, you will be plesently surprised and each piece will come with an Osprey Publishing booklet. Available at

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