Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Collectors Showcase: 146th New York Infantry

The Collectors Showcase is releasing 4 sets of military miniatures based on the 146th New York Infantry also known as Garrard's Tigers. They were named after Colonel Kenner Gerrard. The 146th New York Infantry was a volunteer group of infantry organized for the Union during the American Civil War in Utica, New York. The group also has been referred to as Hallek's Infantry or the 5th Oneida Regiment. They uniform of choice was the Zouave uniform of sky blue jacket and pants, yellow tassels, and red sashes.Collectors Showcase: 146th New York Firing  - CS00367

The Regiment fought in battles throughout the Civil War from 1862 up through Battle at Appomattox, which ended the war with the surrender of the South. The Regiment suffered their heaviest casualties in this final battle. Collectors Showcase has released 4 sets of 3 toy soldiers based on the 146th New York Infantry, which include:

146th New York Charging - CS00366 - $79.90
146th New York Firing - CS00367 - $79.90
146th New York Wounded - CS00368 - $79.90
146th New York Command - CS00369 - $85.00

Pre-Order yours today at

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