Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Unpainted Figures: Andrea Miniatures and Alpine Miniatures

Bgs Toy Soldiers is now starting to add unpainted military miniature kits to our available products offered through our website: www.BgsToySoldiers.com. The first two lines we have added are the Alpine Miniatures and Andrea Miniatures lines. These both have proven to be quite popular in the first few weeks, and we will be expanding out into other lines in the coming months. Having painted figures in the past, and most recently finishing a Hessian Grenadier figure, I can say that it is exciting to be adding unpainted kits to our family of products. We will continue to carry all the finished lines and add to them as well this year as planned. Here is a little info about each of the new lines.

Alpine Miniatures does resin cast figures of the World War II era. They have a 1/16 and 1:35 scale line. Every two months, they release one 1/16 figure and 3 1/35 figure kits. Each 1:35 kit

Andrea Miniatures: French Imperial Guard Grenadier, 1812 - S7-F29
Andrea Miniatures: French Imperial Guard Grenadier, 1812 - S7-F29

contains two heads for each figure in the kit, so that you the painter have a choice on how you want your figure to look.

Andrea Miniatures are white metal cast kits. Most Andrea Miniatures are 1:32 (54mm) scale, but they do have a few lines that are 90mm and a few 1:30 scale kits as well. We will primarily care the military miniature 1:32 scale lines only. Currently we have a small sample of figures from Andrea Miniatures Napoloenic Wars and Medieval Miniatures Collection. We will be adding the rest of the figures from both of these lines in the next few weeks, before adding the Golden West and General War series.

We can get Andrea Miniatures painted as well for anyone that wants a piece from their line that is pre-painted. If interested in a piece pre-painted, let me know and I can check the price and availability for you. Get your Andrea Miniatures and Alpine Miniatures at www.BgsToySoldiers.com.

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