Tuesday, July 15, 2008

King & Country: Civil War Union Soldiers - June 2008

King and Country released their first set of Union soldiers in their new American Civil War Collection. They previously had released 25 Confederate soldiers an Generals. They are now releasing 14 Union Soldiers in this first wave of Union Soldiers. All the pieces are available at http://www.bgstoysoldiers.com/.

The pieces are 1:30 in scale and include:

CW026 - Union Officer w/
CW027 - Union Chasseur Standing w/ Rifle
CW028 - Union Kneeling Firing Rifleman
CW029 - Union Standing Firing Rifleman
CW030 - Union Kneeling Ready
CW031 - Union Standing Ready
CW032 - Union Kneeling Loading
CW033 - Union Standing Loading
CW034 - Union Standing Ramrod
CW035 - Union Advancing
CW036 - Union Sergeant w/ Flag
CW037 - Union Bugler
CW038 - Union Mounted Officer
CW039 - Thirsty WorkBinos

Pieces Retired this month:

- AE006 "The Stone Carvers"
- AR045 "Standing Firing Marine"
- AR052 "Kneeling Firing Marine"
- BBA018 "M24 Chaffee Tank (Winter Camo)"
- BBG004 "GI Prisoners"
- BBG009 "Raupen Schlepper"
- DD052 "Lord Lovat Command Group"
- DD064 "Tommy Patrol"
- DD092 "M24 Chaffee Tank (Olive Drab)"
- IC026 "Artillery Set"
- LAH073 "Polizei NCO"

Most pieces are available at

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